
Barcode Tracking

Jotika supplies a comprehensive range of barcode scanning equipment

Product Description:

What is Barcode Tracking

From single keyboard scanners to high speed, modular, Multi-Drop networks, connecting a combination of hand held and fixed position readers together on a single host / control system. With are specialists in industrial scanning solutions and can support the design and implementation of entire scanning networks. Our experienced team will work with you to develop a tracking / monitoring solution that satisfies your individual business requirements.

Jotika are authorised resellers for many vendors and are therefore able to offer the most flexible and cost effective solutions for our customers.

Gtrak 3 ERP can use barcode scanning to allocate order items to a particular stillage for delivery. The delivery note will be adjusted to only include items from within an order that are being delivered. Once complete, the remaining items are allocated to a stillage at a later time or date and will have a separate delivery note.

The barcode tracking system allows the production process to be monitored in real time. The system can be set up with up to four views per screen, with each PC set up with different default views, which can be modified during operation. Processing instructions for machinery such as spacer saws, double edgers, CNC, benders and sealing lines can be loaded using a hand held barcode reader. This saves inputting time whilst offering maximum efficiency and flexibility on the shop floor. A barcode is printed on the glass label or works order and can be scanned into a batch.

Gtrak3 ERP then outputs a file in the correct format for the machine to read.
Gtrak 3 ERP Barcode Tracking stores information against each machine configured for performance throughput, downtime and benchmarks. This can be reported using standard Gtrak 3 reports, external report generators such as Crystal Reports and data visualising tools (dashboards).
A furnace monitoring tool is also available to provide an onscreen view outlining the performance for a given shift or time period, based upon information collected by the barcode readers. The view includes detailed information on downtime, work time, number of cycles, area, leaves, bed loading and 4mm equivalencies for thicker glass. Labels are scanned as work is passed to the furnace. Reading can be done by batch or by piece which is changeable at any time to suit.

The Gtrak 3 ERP monitoring system is designed to be completely flexible. User configurable processes can be set up to monitor manufacturing processes or production staff. A member of staff can be setup with daily targets and the ‘real time’ graphical view will display targets against throughput.

Stillage loading

Monitor capacity and planning

Machine Loading

Resource Performance Monitoring

Monitor work centre performance and downtime

Trace operator actions and monitor performance

Trigger, monitor and analyse internal rejections

Related Solutions

Order Management

Designed to help you streamline your business from start – finish

Production Management

Simple and effective tools to manage work flow from glass cutting to finished goods.

Delivery Management

Manage and schedule deliveries efficiently in a dedicated control panel

Stock Control

Maintain balanced supply chain, improve cash flow and minimise shortages.


“As a glass business owner, I know the value of easy to understand statistical information regarding customer preferences, order trends and base costs. Jotika software provides me with a treasure-trove of diagnostic information about every aspect of my business’ performance. Jotika is user-friendly saving me time and money.”

Andrew Kerr

Polytron Glass Australia

“We have been using Gtrak 3 for 18 years and every time we phone we get an answer straight away – I like that.”

Ian Short

Owner/Director at Morley Glass & Glazing Ltd

“Gtrak is a stable program and any problems that do crop up are dealt with by Jotikas’ support team. I must say out of all the suppliers we deal with, Jotika is at the top in terms of customer service.”

Simon Parczuk

IT Director at Starglaze Windows & Conservatory Ltd

At ESG we are constantly improving and adding even greater value to our customers buying experience week in week out. We need a dynamic software partner who can work with our evolving business needs. Jotika have supported us in realising this goal, by delivering bespoke software solutions from our concept to implementation. They are unique in being flexible and open minded in approach, working as a partner more than a supplier. They work well with our other machinery, software and IT suppliers to bring our ideas to life and more importantly improve efficiency for our business whilst enhancing our customer experience.

Scott Sinden

MD at ESG Group

Ready To Discuss?

We recognise there is no one size fits all solution, so no matter how big or small, we will help you to find the right solution for your business. Whether you want to streamline operations, reduce material costs or simply gain a better visibility of your business. Our scalable solution has everything you need, call today to find out more or get a quote.